Sunday, March 29, 2015

Book Outlet Haul

Recently, thanks to a couple $5 off coupons, I made a few cheeky purchases on Book Outlet. They're one of my favorite sites to buy books, because the prices are cheap, the books are good quality, and there are always promos and coupons to be had. I tend to use Book Outlet to buy books that I know I want to add to my personal library - old favorites, installments in series, replacement copies. Also, I appreciate that shipping is quick and you can track your order (take note, Book Depository). Without further ado, here's my Book Outlet Haul!

The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski. I really enjoyed this when I first borrowed it from my library last year, and with its sequel The Winner's Crime released in March, I knew I wanted to have my own copy. Marie Rutkoski is one of the most enchanting writers I've ever encountered, and I recently reviewed The Winner's Crime here.

The Kiss of Betrayal by Mary Pearson. I read and adored this book last year (again, from my library), and when I saw just a few copies come up on Book Outlet there was an order confirmation in my inbox in less than five minutes. Not only is this book beautiful to look at, but it weaves such an intricate story that even I didn't see the twist (and I am notorious for such things). Its sequel, The Heart of Betrayal, is out in July.

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen. This is an instance of needing a replacement copy. Sarah Dessen is one of my all-time favorite authors, because so much of my teen years were spent reading her books. She is one of two authors (hey Stephanie Perkins) who make me actually enjoy contemporary YA. I pride myself on the fact that I own all of her books and am literally counting down the days to Saint Anything (37, just fyi). So you can imagine my shock when I realized that after nearly a decade of moving dormitories, countries, and houses, I lost my copy of Just Listen somewhere along the way. Book Outlet to the rescue.

Cinder by Marissa Meyer. I recently purchased Fairest, and am in crazy anticipation for Winter this November. And while Cinder isn't my favorite book in this series, I plan to reread the first three books before Winter's release, and want my own copies. Scarlet and Cress will eventually be mine.

The Sword and the Crown by Robin McKinley. This is a throwback like none other. I vividly remember reading this book and its successor The Blue Sword when I was in middle school. These books sparked my love of fantasy, and I haven't stopped reading since. I can't wait to return to this story one day soon.

What books have you purchased lately? Let me know if you have any recommendations!

1 comment:

  1. hi. i know it sound creepy but where do you live? and how much is the shipping fee? im sorry but im just curious about the shipping fee. theres no information about it on their web and i havent got the confirmation email. thank you
